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مطالب اخیر وبگاه

لینک دوستان وبگاه

آرشیو مطالب


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طراح قالب

ثامن تم؛مرجع قالب و ابزار مذهبی وبلاگ و سایت
السلام علیک یا جعفر بن محمد الصادق (ع) السلام علیک یا جعفر بن محمد الصادق (ع) السلام علیک یا جعفر بن محمد الصادق (ع)

 Since the emergence of humans to the present form of Satanism is different there. So MPs and researchers forAuthors separation characteristics of each variety of them with the name of religious Satanism, Gothic Satanism, Satanism Shytaln philosophical and modern worship, and ........ Are listed.  Satanism is now common in the world is attributed to personal thought is that Anton LaVey Church of Satan Zndvr or climbing the holy temple founded in 1966. Satanism in the world now in the world better by 3 or gate agent to say 3 is approaching entry into countries:
 1 - satanic churches, or places ascension 
 2 - Wizardry 
3 - Music Black Metal 
Course described in each of the topics discussed I will. 
Church of Satan   First Satanic Church of Anton Zndvrlavy founded. Thoughts and ideas in the axis and center of human knowledge and human existence is that God makes the existence of God in human existence is dependent. His province to someone or something does not believe in Satan and man of God and Satan ruling knows. Principles of Satanism Anton Zndvrlavy 
1 - There is no devil worship God in every human and a God
 2 - not worship Satan (Iblis), because the devil is not the does not exist 
 3 - being anti-religion, especially religious belief in life after death is
 4 - believed to enjoy it because all of the ne plus erotic world of pleasure and fun Game, especially the potential need for erotic sex do make ready, the first erotic sexual attitude will see the gods.
 Antoine-called sacred for the purposes of rules 9 and 11 branches as well as guilt for the triple set of Satanism, but after what people in the world of Satanism was by no means all sins Baqvanyn and is not considered compatible, but also against their is.   For example, the murder, rape, sacrifice, animal abuse, child abuse and ....... Anton LaVey not accept it and their own orders has declined. But now nothing except Satanism ceremony do not apply.   All this indicates quirk of the Anton LaVey and his followers. Not all property they had to accept it and are Ktqd. They believe that because we ourselves are God then do whatever we want and this is ridiculous that Satanism is committed to law or regulation.   But wonder that if they free their God and know everything so why laws and regulations and sins have created for their followers.  Tim Burton is the interesting Dbarh Satanism: Satanism Host stupid anarchy.   The differences and contradictions predisposing many problems between leaders and followers of Satan is integration in 1975 to form the personal name Michael Kynv was separated from the Church of Satan and the name of temple is the temple founded. Contrary to the Anton LaVey believed God with Satan. Witchcraft  Witchcraft for centuries in the West (Europe and America) but in your country ماهم is missing. Has had a lot of fans. Western wizards that only a few of them are not even evil trends, are trying to contact spirits with Mrgan, ajene or devils, and evil powers Mavrayy access. Bsyarzyady the Middle Ages some of the wizards were burned by the church because the church They believed devils following can interfere with the material and worldly affairs are Vnyrvhay their spiritual resources to bring foul. The era or black magic Black Magic one of the organs and the main ceremony and Satanism in England and America has many fans. Black magic than the Church of Satan by expert teachers in courses and classes are taught to be interested.   At present the main reason New youth groups to learn Satanism Black Magic (Black Magic) is. Black magic ritual ceremony Africans come to America and is now more than all the training and education in the churches are evil. More Word and tools and Mrasmlt this type of magic signs and symptoms are evil.  In the decades after World War I Europe and America social space and tools and even different Tblyqat games like Wizardry Vyjy range is infected.   Vyjy reach of a is predicted by the spirits summoned ceremony was used. Vyjy sales until 1967 Mnaply range of the best-selling toys had increased. This show's people of the West in recent years the magic of the book case and related films such as Harry Potter wizardry we have seen.  Fortunately, we the Western Wizardry Black Magic and various other devices such as range and Vyjy ..... We know Iran is not into the youth and perhaps only the name or the book Harry Potter movies have heard or have been on the Web

موضوعات مرتبط :
نویسنده جـــــوان ودیــــــن در چهارشنبه 88/8/6 | نظر
تمامی حقوق مادی و معنوی این وبگاه محفوظ و متعلق به مدیر آن می باشد...
طراحی و بهینه سازی قالب : ثامن تم ( علیرضا حقیقت )