
مطالب اخیر وبگاه

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آرشیو مطالب


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طراح قالب

ثامن تم؛مرجع قالب و ابزار مذهبی وبلاگ و سایت
السلام علیک یا جعفر بن محمد الصادق (ع) السلام علیک یا جعفر بن محمد الصادق (ع) السلام علیک یا جعفر بن محمد الصادق (ع)

حضرت امام محمد باقر ( ع )

نام مبارک امام پنجم محمد بود . لقب آن حضرت باقر یا باقرالعلوم است ، بدین جهت که : دریای دانش را شکافت و اسرار علوم را آشکارا ساخت . القاب دیگری مانند شاکر و صابر و هادی نیز برای آن حضرت ذکر کرده اند که هریک باز گوینده صفتی از صفات آن امام بزرگوار بوده است . کنیه امام " ابوجعفر " بود . مادرش فاطمه دختر امام حسن مجتبی ( ع ) است .

لطفا بقیه را در لینک توجه فرمائید ...

موضوعات مرتبط :
نویسنده جـــــوان ودیــــــن در دوشنبه 88/10/28 | نظر

Called mighty creator
Mentioned the name of God is Merciful peak heart Salim Meraj
Heart was clear of the right of me remember I spent the Tohid
With reliance on self-Holy God of Jesus story maker
Prophet Jesus (PBUH) Avlvalzm one of the prophets Isaiah and the Prophets, which Mbarksh name twenty-five on the Holy Qur"an has mentioned .1
Jesus as the original (یسوع) is a significant saving, and 2 called the Holy Christ, which Drqran thirteen times and the meaning is Mubarak.
He and five thousand five hundred and eighty-five years after the fall of Adam (AS) and five hundred (or five hundred or six hundred and seventy) years before the birth of the Prophet of Islam in Kufa land along the Euphrates River was born. 3
The miracle of his birth by permission of God, without father happened, her daughter Hazrat Maryam PBUH PBUH Civil virtuous women, which name Mbarksh Chapter twelve thirty four verses in the Quran explicitly mentioned
His thirty years in Jerusalem was to raise a messenger with independent Shari"ah book called "gospel" and the continuous Isaiah invite unto God seemed unique and special conditions of life were forced, single lives, he having Davzdh Yar special people called "disciples" was always that would help him and his followers say Nsary
Finally Ys AS Zndgtny after thirty three years, decided to Qtlsh Jews were, but God won him the heavens above and around Damascus, the day will come down and kill the Dajjal will be used. (Interpretation Ghomee c 2, p. 270)
Date of Prophet Jesus (PBUH)
As I mentioned, because Civil AS, M. Father PBUH, during embryonic Maryam PBUH died, زکریا Srzhrsty him Hazrat Maryam PBUH PBUH husband aunt took him under her service Nzr bits Jerusalem duty. Maryam PBUH grow day by day, until it reached the age nine, the Days, days of the day was the night of worship and the Zhrdakht to Isaiah and public officials had reached lofty status of his dreams would.
When Mary reached the age of thirteen years, God of angels as a beautiful young, he took a hand, when Maryam PBUH Arv saw, because that girls skirt, and Amin was very clean, very upset of this scene he was human, and will think about him is evil, so He said: I seek refuge in God from the evil you face to go and bring him is, to protect my modesty and chastity to keep, if the fear of God and His fear of me away.
But the angel divine, language was born to speak and said: be not worry, I sent my lord, am on the good boy or you pardon. Severe vibration to hear speak of the learned M. Yha AS said: how can I do boy Shb, while so far no human contact with me or not and never have infected women.
God sent in response said: it is true, but God ordered: the boy with no father to me creation is easy, we want him (Jesus) to put a sign for people and their mercy is our hand. (Surah Maryam Verses 16 to 21) then God sent to Mary, and finally breathed his AS was pregnant and that her child instead of the uterus was promised
This was because the song Jerusalem to place manually go away (ie City Nasrh) and can only live, but as the day of birth was near, was of more concern. Because with said: who accepts me that A woman without a spouse, is pregnant? If you can trump what I do?
When delivery time came, the pain and suffering labor, chestnut tree beside him and took it rely زد.
There soon to bring the target of slander would be impermissible, it will be when Rvz: I! Before the story was dead and I forget completely, but the loving kindness of God was included حالش AS Gabriel heard the sound, that his near and below the local position, he, he made contact and he said: do not grieve, God Underneath your foot, the spring water is made salubrity, move to the palm tree show, the new Mazafati Ryzd thee down, and eat delicious food from the water and soft eyes to this بنوش born and when significant new light to the people who treated the Kurdish problem about pregnancy and how you ask it, Do not answer him and say the I-day to the beneficent God (Day of silence)"ve Nzr No one today and do not speak say (Surah Maryam 22/26 principle sufficient c 126 p. 8)
AS when Jesus was born (of Jesus and the Prophets, Hazrat Hussein ibn Ali Yahya and were born in six months)
Mary had her arms and placed his people in hand, when people saw him, what those PBUH Maryam Taghavi and righteous and who had information that had no info for them surprised and unexpected scene and said: To Mary! Kurdish work very ugly and evil, evil man I was the father nor mother quean or woman, you or I had committed such action?
Mary could towards what this storm of slander and libel to the Order of Gabriel, pointing toward the cradle, they asked the children speak!
Mary mentioned that more people were upset they said: We Cookies How is the cradle of talk?
Jesus in the cradle while Rabbani was born to speak and said: "I am a servant of God, my God book (the Bible) and Prophet has put me and ..... "(Surah Maryam interpretation Ghomee 27/33, p. 48 c. 2)
When people clearly, the above remarks listen received from Jesus, Mary and any unclean, clean and pure, and Jesus after this speech, until the limit was raised to speak another language was spoke of opening (14, p. 229 Bharalanvar A

موضوعات مرتبط :
نویسنده جـــــوان ودیــــــن در جمعه 88/10/11 | نظر

بنام خالق توانا

ذکر بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم          پیک معراج است بر قلب سلیم

دل بود روشن مرا از یاد حق         از می توحید او دارم رمــــق

با توکل بر کریم بـــــــــی نیاز         از مسیح الله سازم قصه ساز

حضرت عیسی (علیه السلام) یکی از پیامبران اولوالعزم و از انبیاء بنی اسرائیل است ، که نام مبارکش بیست و پنج بار در قرآن کریم ذکر شده است .1

عیسی اصل آن { یسوع} است ، به معنی نجات دهنده ، و مسیح 2 لقب آن حضرت است ، که سیزده بار درقرآن آمده و به معنی مبارک می باشد .

وی پنج هزار و پانصد و هشتاد و پنج سال بعد از هبوط آدم (علیه السلام ) و پانصد (یا پانصد و هفتاد یا ششصد) سال ، قبل از ولادت پیامبر اسلام در سرزمین کوفه در کنار رود فرات به دنیا آمد. 3

ولادت او به طور معجزه به اذن خدا ، بدون پدر رخ داد ، مادرش حضرت مریم علیها السلام دختر عمران علیه السلام از زنان با فضیلتی است ، که نام مبارکش در دوازده سوره قرآن و در سی چهار آیه به صراحت ذکر شده است

وی در سی سالگی در بیت المقدس به پیامبری مبعوث شد و دارای شریعت مستقل و کتابی به نام« انجیل » بود و پیوسته بنی اسرائیل را به سوی خدای یکتا دعوت مینمود و بر اثر شرایط خاص زندگی ناگزیر بود ، مجرد زندگی کند ، او دارای داوزده نفر یار مخصوص به نام « حواریون » بود ، که همواره او را یاری می کردند و به پیروان او نصاری می گویند .

عیس علیه السلام سرانجام  پس از سی سه سال زندگتنی ، یهودیان تصمیم به قتلش گرفتند ، اما خداوند او را به آسمانها بالا برد و روزی در حوالی دمشق فرود خواهد آمد و دجال را به قتل می رساند .( تفسیر قمی ج 2، ص 270)

تولد حضرت عیسی (علیه السلام )

لطفا در ادامه بخوانید ...

موضوعات مرتبط :
نویسنده جـــــوان ودیــــــن در جمعه 88/10/11 | نظر

Martyrdom of Imam Sadeq (peace Hello

       to all Muslims around the world within I Sympathy

موضوعات مرتبط :
نویسنده جـــــوان ودیــــــن در سه شنبه 88/7/21 | نظر
تمامی حقوق مادی و معنوی این وبگاه محفوظ و متعلق به مدیر آن می باشد...
طراحی و بهینه سازی قالب : ثامن تم ( علیرضا حقیقت )